


First of all, lets introduce the hose pump, which is also called peristaltic pump. In order to eliminate the danger of the pump body contaminating the fluid or the fluid contaminating the pump body, only the hose in contact with the medium in the entire pump device. In general, hose pumps use natural rubber hoses. The inner and outer layers are completely smooth natural rubber, the purpose of which is to prevent abrasion. It is suitable for mediums that are not corrosive but very abrasive, such as mud and inorganic substances. And generally suitable for fats, oils or oils, and organic chemicals. The inner layer is rubber, while the outer layer is natural rubber or composite rubber.



Possible causes and solutions for insufficient oil delivery of industrial hose pumps. Gear pump troubleshooting. 10 oil-separating ring gear pumps should be able to supply oil continuously, and the gear meshing overlap factor should be greater than 1. When one pair of gears is not disengaged, the other pair of gears has entered the meshed state. In this way, when there are two pairs of gears meshing at the same time, a closed volume is formed between the tooth meshing lines of the two pairs of gears, and part of the oil is also trapped therein.


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